At the Legal Information Clinic at McGill, we try to provide our clients with as many options as possible, and to refer clients whose questions fall outside of our mandate to other community resources. If you do not find what you are looking for at the links below, feel free to call us at 514-398-6792 and our volunteers will do their best to assist you further.
* indicates websites in French only.

Boussole Juridique* (Index of legal resources)
Centre de justice de proximité du Grand-Montréal (Free legal information)
Barreau’s Referral Service (Lawyers by field of law)
Head and Hands (legal advice)
Mile End Legal Clinic (Free legal advice)
Legal Aid Network & Community Legal Centres
Services juridiques communautaires de Pointe-Saint-Charles et Petite-Bourgogne
Young Bar Association of Montréal (free legal information and help in preparing for hearings)
Pro Bono Québec (free legal services)
Protecteur du citoyen (for problems with a government of Quebec department or agency)
Employment Law
Commission des normes du travail
Au bas de l’échelle (free legal information)*
Fondation pour l’aide au travailleuses et travailleurs accidentés* (Free to 60$)
Help and Information Centre on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (Free)
Immigrant Workers Centre (Free legal information and support)
Le Mouvement Action-Chômage (MAC) de Montréal* (Free information)
Service administratif de rajustement des pensions alimentaires pour enfants (Quebec’s Child Support Recalculation Service)
Homologation Assistance Service
Inform’elle* (Free legal information)
RePère* (Legal information and advice)
Housing Law
Tribunal Administratif du Logement
Project Genesis (Free legal information and advice)
Arnold Bennett’s Housing Hotline (Free legal information)
Service téléphonique du logement du Barreau du Québec* (Free legal information)
Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal (Free and paid services)
Compass Startup & Legal Clinic
McGill Business Consulting Group (MBCG) (Consultation services)
International Students Services at McGill
Accueil liaison pour arrivants* (Free support in immigration law)
Hirondelle* (Free support in immigration law)
La Maisonnée* (Free support in immigration law)
Services Communautaires aux Réfugiés et Immigrants (Free legal information and advice)
Assistance Crossroad for Newcomers (CANA) (Free support in immigration law)
Just Solutions Legal Clinic (Particularly for refugee claimants)
Centre multi-écoute (Free support in immigration law)
Urgence Avocat – Immigration (Free consultation with a lawyer)
Notarial Law
Chambre des notaires du Québec* (Free legal information)
Clinique de droit notarial de l’Outaouais* (Free legal information)
Bankruptcy / Insolvency / Consumer Protection
Office de la protection du consommateur
Option consommateurs (free legal information and advice)
ACEF (Associations coopérative d’économie familiale)* (free information on budgeting)
Women’s Centre of Montreal (general legal information for women)
YWCA Legal Information Clinic (general legal information for women)
SOS violence conjugale* (free helpline)
Athena Info Juridique and Shield of’Athena (Help centre)
Roger Snelling Seniors’ Legal Clinic (Free legal information for people aged 55 and older)
The Elder Law Clinic (Free legal information and advice)
La ligne Aide Abus Aînés* (Free helpline)
Persons in Distress
Tel-jeunes (Help centre)
Première ressource (Help centre for all questions on parenting and the parent-child relationship)
Kids Help Phone (Help centre)
Éducaloi : Youth Zone (Legal information website)
Direction de la Protection de la jeunesse (To signal a child in danger: 514-935-6196)
Mental Health
McGill Student Wellness Hub (For McGill students)
Action autonomie (Le Collectif pour la Défense des Droits en Santé Mentale de Montréal)* (Free legal information)
Ami-Québec (Action on mental illness) (Free general information)
Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault Center of the McGill Students’ Society (SACOMSS)
Centre pour les victimes d’agression sexuelle de Montréal (Medical services and support group)
Help and resources in the event of sexual assault (Government website and helpline)
Center for relief of sexual assaults (CALACS) (Support group)
Groupe Amorce* (Support group for offenders)
Criminal Acts
Crime Victims Assistance Centre (CAVAC) (Support and legal information)
The Société Elizabeth Fry du Québec (Legal information and advice for criminalized women)
Urgence Avocat (Phone consultation with a lawyer in case of arrest)
Legal Information Websites
QCGN – Québec Community Groups Network (Legal information services and references for the English-speaking community)
Courts, Tribunals, and Administrative Bodies
Online Legal Database
Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII)