We can help facilitate discussion and negotiation between McGill students and University representatives or student associations.
To reach a student advocate please e-mail
In broad terms, Student Advocacy’s mandate is to provide free and confidential advice and representation to McGill students in formal and informal dispute resolution within the University context. More specifically, our mandate is to:
We can help facilitate discussion and negotiation between McGill students and University representatives or student associations.
We can help students know their rights and how to navigate McGill’s procedures when they are accused of a disciplinary offence, or if they wish to file a formal complaint against the University of its representatives.
We can represent students in hearings with the University, including helping students prepare evidence and supporting documents for formal and informal proceedings.
For issues within the McGill community, Student Advocacy offers free advice and representation to students accused of a disciplinary offence (such as plagiarism or cheating) or students who feel unjustly treated by the University. We help students find formal and informal solutions to their problems.
Student Advocacy might be able to help you more than you think. Examples of topics Student Advocacy can help students with:
Supervisor issues
Resolving disputes with a thesis supervisor
Appealing an unfair failure of a progress report or a thesis
Helping students resolve funding disputes with the University
Seeking remedies for students whose research has been stolen or misappropriated
Representing students at grievance committee hearings to defend their rights when they have been treated unfairly by University administrators
Disciplinary issues
Representing students accused of disciplinary offences such as plagiarism, and even non-academic offences
Helping students file complaints of sexual harassment or assault
General advocacy through policies
Reviewing and commenting on McGill-wide policies from a student-centric perspective
For example, Student Advocacy recently provided input on McGill’s new Policy Against Sexual Violence
Student Advocacy’s work therefore impacts every McGill student in significant ways